This is the solution I gave him. Make sure the Field Calculator is set to use the Python parser, and put the following code in the Codeblock area:
import numpy
probs = {}
probs[1] = .5
probs[2] = .3
probs[3] = .1
probs[4] = .1
def setclass():
r = numpy.random.random()
t = 0
for key in probs.keys():
t += probs[key]
if t > r:
return key
probs = {}
probs[1] = .5
probs[2] = .3
probs[3] = .1
probs[4] = .1
def setclass():
r = numpy.random.random()
t = 0
for key in probs.keys():
t += probs[key]
if t > r:
return key
You can add as many classes as you want using the probs variable, but the probabilities should add up to 1. I used integers for the classes (1-4) but they could also be strings enclosed in quotes. Just make sure that the field being calculated is a string field in that case.
The last step is putting this in the calculator part of the Field Calculator dialog.